Intense 30 Minute HIIT workout | with a SAVAGE cardio finisher!


Hi team, welcome back if you are returning for another TMT workout session. If you are new here THANK YOU for joining us, here's what we have coming up for you in this workout.

This workout doesn't require you to use any equipment and can be performed purely with your bodyweight. However, if you have a couple of dumbbells or water bottles, they would be great to put to use for a couple of the exercises listed here but I’ll let you know in the video which ones those are.

Warm Up

Kang Squat
Hip Circles
Up dog to Down Dog
Reverse Lunge to Knee Raise
Star Jump to Spotty Dog

Legs 45 seconds work with 15 seconds rest

Narrow/Wide Squat Jump
Back lunge full range of motion/pulse
Back lunge Full range of motion/pulse other side
Knee tuck to kickback

Upper body 45 seconds work with 15 seconds rest

Push up wide to narrow
Dorsal raise up and over
Tricep extensions
Reverse flyes/front raise
Plank ups


Opposite elbow to opposite knee
Opposite elbow to opposite knee other side
Opposite elbow to opposite knee alternating
Elbow to knee hold
Side plank star

Ok, here we go, this is the savage cardio finisher I warned you about. It's not complicated, but it is effective. The combination of squat jumps and burpees (or jogging if you prefer) will get your heart rate up and your body burning calories and torching fat!

Cardio | 5 Minute EMOM

1st minute 5 squat jumps - burpees or jogging for the rest of the time
2nd minute 10 squat jumps - burpees or jogging for the rest of the time
3rd minute 15 squat jumps - burpees or jogging for the rest of the time
4th minute 20 squat jumps - burpees or jogging for the rest of the time
5th minute 25 squat jumps - burpees or jogging for the rest of the time


15 Minute Fat Burning Workout | NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED | Suitable for beginners


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