5 Exercise 'Fight Gone Bad' KETTLEBELL workout | Burn Fat and Build Strength At Home

'Fight Gone Bad Workout..... what's that?' I hear you ask.

Well, this is a simple workout protocol that calls for five solid minutes of all-out work followed by (what will seem like an all too short) 1-minute rest then repeated for a total of three rounds.

The idea is that this simulates the timings of MMA fight rounds that can help with conditioning, endurance, and not to mention cardio.

The upside..... you won't get punched in the face!

You'll burn fat, raise your metabolism and challenge your body

using my variation on the 'Fight Gone Bad Workout' that utilises Kettlebells and five kettlebell exercises that'll target various muscle groups.

I'm using a few different weight kettlebells here, but this workout can be performed with just one kettlebell.

After the full warm-up routine, the exercises are:

1. Alternate kettlebell swing, clean and jerk
2. Burpee kettlebell swing
3. Single leg kettlebell deadlift and clean
4. Jumping kettlebell swings
5. Abs figure if 8's

Once you've repeated this for a full three rounds (17 minutes that might feel like a full hour), I'll take you through a stretching and cool-down routine too.


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