Taylor Made Training provides personal training programmes, fitness plans, nutrition guidance and fitness classes for individuals and small groups. Training sessions are held at our private fully equipped gym situated in the picturesque Oxfordshire countryside.



Calum Taylor a personal trainer instructing clients

Personal Training

Whether you are new to fitness or a seasoned gym-goer, a personal training session is a great way to achieve new levels of fitness and remain accountable along the way.

A gym member performing a lateral raise using resistance bands

nutrition & weight loss

A training programme and personal training sessions can be supplemented to significant effect with some guidance on nutrition. If your goal is to lose weight, then it's essential to take into account what you eat to fuel your workouts. Likewise, if your goal is to build muscle, then our team of trainers can give you useful advice and meal plans to achieve your objectives.

Two personal training clients working out in a boxercise class with boxing gloves and punch bags


Fitness classes are an enjoyable way to stay fit while training alongside others. Coached by our expert trainers and tailored to all levels and abilities, you'll get a great workout all while having fun.

Alternatively, train from home and follow along with one of our regular online training video streams.

A personal trainer demonstrating how to perform a kettlebell swing

online personal training

Our online personal training service provides programmes for those needing to train remotely or in the comfort of their own home anywhere in the world. We provide the same level of specialist guidance on exercise and workout plans as our in-person clients enabling you to achieve your fitness goals fast.


“Calum absolutely saved my life before the Big Battlefield Bike Ride last year. 3 weeks before the 420 mile ride I asked for his help (having not ridden a bike in a good 10 years!) and he not only taught me all the basics but got my fitness to a point which I didn't even think I could have got to.”

— Emily Clarkson

What our clients have to say….


Walk in strong, crawl out stronger


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